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Writer's picturePeter Fuller


Okay, I know I’ve been promising this for a while, so now here it is.

UFO researcher Richard Dolan coined the phrase, “Breakaway Civilization” in his book, “UFOs & the National Security State: The Cover-up Exposed – 1973-1991.” Here is how he presented his original proposal, “If we … consider the possibility of covert breakthroughs in propulsion technology, and the “off the grid” nature of the deep-black world itself, we come to the possibility that we are dealing with, in effect, a “breakaway civilization.” One with loose connections at various points to the open civilizations of humanity, but with great independence, secrecy, and a monopoly of certain key scientific secrets. The history of the Cold War showed that separate infrastructures could, to some extent, evolve. Western politics, economy, science, and culture developed along paths that were different from those in the Soviet Union or China. Important breakthroughs occurred in secret – stealth being a prominent example. Granted, the level of separation implied for a breakaway civilization would be vastly greater than any Cold War examples. In principle, however, such a development is possible, and responsible research must consider the strength of supporting evidence and clues.”

In my opinion, this is not a new concept. One of the earliest examples of a breakaway civilization has to be the lost continent of Atlantis. Plato wrote that Atlantis was an advanced civilization that existed in the distant past (some 9,000 years before his time) that possessed technology far in advance of the rest of the world. Whether Atlantis actually existed is the topic of debate even today, but at least the idea of a breakaway civilization existed as far back as 360 B.C.

Then there is the medieval Kingdom of Magonia. According to Bishop Abogard of Lyon (9th century), Magonia was a cloud realm where the inhabitants were said to travel through the sky in airships – a technology that wouldn’t be developed by ground dwellers for another 1,000 years. The Bishop described them as humans like ourselves, and from time to time they would invite those living on the ground up to their cloud kingdom. Jacques Vallee mentions this breakaway civilization in his Book, “Passport to Magonia,” and compares it to the modern UFO abduction phenomena.

Another example would be Jules Verne’s novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo and his crew possessed technology – namely the submarine Nautilus – that was far ahead of the rest of the world. While Verne hadn’t envisioned torpedoes, his submarine was powered by electricity, a technology not yet fully developed in 1870, the year his novel was written – a full decade before Canadian inventors Woodward and Evans sold their patent for the incandescent light bulb to Thomas Edison.

There are other examples, but you get my point. Even though they are fictitious, these examples support the possibility of a breakaway civilization existing in our time. Dolan is one the foremost UFO researchers today, and his evidence strongly supports such a body. His evidence shows that as early as the 1940s, there was an effort by a clandestine group to develop technology such as anti-gravity propulsion, zero-point energy and much, much more. I try to keep my blogs fairly short, so I won’t go into all of the details here, but suffice it to say the evidence for this development of advanced technology is overwhelming. To sum it up, the late Ben Rich, former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks said, “We have things in the desert (Area 51) that are 50 years ahead of anything you can imagine. If you’ve seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, we’ve been there, done that, or decided it wasn’t worth the effort.”

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon couldn’t account for 2.3 trillion dollars (yes, trillion). The next day the twin towers and the pentagon were attacked, and Rumsfeld’s statement got lost in the news cycle as it focused on the tragedy of 911. Over the years, that sum would climb to an unprecedented amount when in December of 2017, Dr. Mark Skidmore would announce on USAWatchdog that a total of 21 trillion dollars was missing from the US Federal budget – ten times the amount mentioned by Rumsfeld in 2001. That’s a lot of zeros, folks!

So where did all that money go? The money was funneled into black budgets, those accounts that have no congressional oversight and who don’t have to report what they were spent on to anyone in the Pentagon, Congress, or the White House. Experts like Catherine Austin Fitts believe the money was spent on the secret space program, and by extension, the breakaway civilization, since it comprises a large part of that group.

But what exactly is this breakaway civilization? Yes, it runs the secret space program, but what does a breakaway civilization look like? In simple terms, it is a separately evolving, covert, technologically advanced community with trillions of dollars (21 to be exact) at its disposal that has been siphoned off of our host society. While much of the breakaway civilization is centered in the United States, it has also integrated itself into allied governments around the world. It is what President Eisenhower called the “Military-Industrial Complex” in his farewell speech before leaving office, warning that it was breaking away from constitutional controls. What makes it a “breakaway” civilization is the fact that it has developed advanced technology it refuses to share with the rest of humanity, and uses that technology to separate itself from us. It has been suggested that the separation will eventually become physical, as it will use that advanced technology to establish itself elsewhere in the solar system or the universe while those of us who are left behind destroy ourselves in a global conflict. Think, “Alternative Three.

While there have been whistleblowers – many of them fake – it is virtually impossible to pierce their cloak of darkness. Their advanced technology ensures their covert existence remains just that.

So where does that leave you and me? Unless we have a skill they can exploit, it leaves us out of the loop. The late Ben Rich summed it up (once more) like this – “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity …”

There was a lot of talk in the early 1950s about anti-gravity propulsion, and everyone alive then expected that by the mid-1960s they would be travelling to and from work like George Jetson. Yet here it is 2020 – 55 years later – and we’re still driving gas-guzzlers, and SpaceX just launched a capsule into orbit with the same technology that the Gemini missions used in 1965, including the splashdown of a two-man capsule. As Ben Rich said, it appears that this breakaway civilization is not going to give up their secrets anytime soon.

It’s too bad. Just think what a better place the world would be for everyone if they did.

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